Sweet Concerned Citizen - from Dogs in Helicopters

"Attention concerned citizens, by order of the urban peacekeeping authority you are hereby commanded to disperse. We have dogs in helicopters. I repeat, we have dogs in helicopters."


Got a little lover, she's a little undercover

And it's always the same, when you got a bad name

She worries about crimes, and people that get killed

And she worries about people who's bellies ain't been filled


I saw her the other day passing out handbills

And I don't know what for

It's just the way she gets her thrills

Trying to battle nuclear war


Oh, oh, oh, what you tryin' to do to me?

My sweet concerned citizen

Oh, oh, oh, who says freedom is free?

My sweet concerned citizen

Oh, oh, oh, what you tryin' to do to me?

My sweet concerned citizen


I tried to tell her that we're not really ruled by the masses

I tried to tell her that we're really ruled by a bunch of jackasses

But she told me her congressman was tops

I told her that was just because he controlled the cops

She got real mad and said she's gonna write a letter

I told her if she felt that strongly then I reckon she better


Oh, oh, oh, what you tryin' to do to me? 

My sweet concerned citizen 

Oh, oh, oh, who says freedom is free? 

My sweet concerned citizen 

Oh, oh, oh, what you tryin' to do to me? 

My sweet concerned citizen


She tried to tell me that we live in the land of the free

I tried to tell her it was more like some kind of plutocracy

She says all of us are created equal

So I says what about the 40 acres and a mule?

She says she's gonna get up a petition

I said I'd sign it if she felt it was her holy mission


Oh, oh, oh, what you tryin' to do to me? 

My sweet concerned citizen 

Oh, oh, oh, who says freedom is free? 

My sweet concerned citizen 

Oh, oh, oh, what you tryin' to do to me? 

My sweet concerned citizen


Got a little lover, she's a little undercover 

And it's always the same, when you got a bad name


Sweet Concerned Citizen - from Dogs in Helicopters - by Zen Fuse Box


Pete: Vocals, Harmonica

Steve: Bass, Drum, Vocals, Keyboard

Rich: Guitars, E-bow

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